2013, April 19th – Representatives of AmCham members had an opportunity to learn about tools and strategies which can help solve the problem of on-line communication in the time of crisis.
At the Smart Breakfast held on April 19, communication was the key word. How do we communicate on-line in times of crisis? How has the crisis emerged on the Internet? Are we creating it ourselves? These were just a few of the issues presented by Tanja Tatomirović, communicologist and PR Lead at Microsoft Serbia and Montenegro. She also explained how to maintain on-line communities, what the consequences of an on-line crisis are and how long it will take for the on-line crisis to become an off-line headline.
The special guest star at this event was Zoran Stanojević, journalist and editor of OKO Magazine @ RTS who said more about the crisis spilling over from the Internet to TV and the print media and answered the question of why the traditional media (do not) like to use it.